How Volunteering Can Promote Productivity

Work is almost always stressful, but this year it has been challenging workers like never before. From the rapid fire changes brought on by the pandemic to the political turmoil of an election year, 2020 has put a lot on everybody’s plates. In such a hectic environment, it is little wonder that lots of workers are feeling stressed out. If left untreated, work-induced anxiety can quickly become unbearable. Luckily, there are a number of effective strategies for combating stress. One of the most common is volunteering . Countless workers have found that sacrificing a bit of their free time to give back to their community increases their overall well-being and reduces work-induced stress. These are just four of the many ways volunteering benefits workers.
Lessen Anxiety
Studies have shown that volunteering decreases a person’s levels of anxiety. This lack of anxiety then makes an individual a more productive worker. A general sense of well-being translates to a positive attitude around the workplace, which in turn boosts productivity. A happy worker with no anxiety is also quicker to collaborate with colleagues, a process from which everyone benefits.
Further Develop Crucial Skills
Learning on the job is always essential, but sometimes workers find it hard to develop within the crucible of a high-pressure workplace. Acquiring new skills requires time and patience, luxuries often denied when deadlines must be met. This means workers often stick to old, familiar methods instead of taking risks and growing as people. A volunteer position gives people a chance to learn and grow at their own place in a less demanding environment. What workers learn about themselves and their skill sets in a volunteer organization will later serve them at their normal job.
Become a Leader
Within the hierarchical structures of many businesses, it can be hard for a worker to discover their leadership abilities. A volunteer position can provide an individual with the vital opportunity to discover their leadership potential. Having learned that they like leading a team, they can then bring a new attitude to the workplace.
Develop Bonds With Colleagues
When coworkers volunteer together, they forge bonds that transcend the workplace. Having learned to work together in the outside world, they’ll be even better teammates on the job.
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